
Who is GenQ3?

Young at heart. Young in spirit!
You have a lot of living to do and you
want to maximize your quality of life.

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If you’re a GenQ3, you know who you are! You’ve had a successful career, probably children who are grown and out of the house, possibly grandkids! And you’re wondering—out loud—
“How did this happen? I’m not old enough to be a grandparent!”
You’re not throwing in the towel!
You want to play your 3rd quarter with heart and passion.

TeamUp partners with you to:

Create a vision that aligns with your values

Set SMART Goals

Outline Action Steps

Hold you Accountable

Support You Until You Believe in Yourself


Individual Coaching

Specialty areas include:




Exercise and Fitness

Weight Management

Smoking Cessation


Group Coaching

Coaching for 4-6 individuals




Exercise and Fitness

Weight Management

Smoking Cessation


“The regular appointments and accountability are helping me to stay focused on my goals so
I can move forward, rather than habitually backsliding. I also feel more confident in my ability to make progress, knowing that I have a built-in support system and added tools
for a successful outcome.” —D.R.

Let’s TeamUp!

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